Day 3/4
Well on day 3 we went to Islands of Adventure! However I stupidly didn't take any photos so I can't show anyone! However when I'm back in miserable England I shall put a post full of pictures!
We're on day 4 and what a lovely day it was!! Probably the best so far! We went to universal studios which was amazing! They have new attractions (well to me) considering the last time I was there was 7 years ago when I was around 10 years old! They had this new ride where you can choose your own music during the ride! Where they have music such as stronger by Kanye West or can't touch this by MC hammer!!
Another new attraction they had was 'Springfield' or in other words Simpsons land! Which was soo good!! It was a complete imitation! With places like Krusty land to the kwik-e-Mart!
I had a Krusty burger with a buzz cola! And I took a few snaps to share the experience! 

And then here's my dad being a 'lad'
They also had a despicable me ride!!! Which is a simulator! Then at the end of the ride you get to dance with the minions!! It's a really good simulator! However I personally preferred the Simpsons one!

And I also got a photo with Agnes as well who apart from the minions (of course) is my favourite character!!
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