February favourites

These are my 5 favourite products that I will be using in February! 

First of all is my beautiful mascara which is of course from Mac! 
I would continuously rave about this product! People would usually talk about the benefit mascara they're real but I much prefer this one. It leaves the lashes really long but not clumped like most mascara products leave your lashes with. The brush is quite long so it gets to the lashes and at the tip it's quite good for getting to the corner lashes. 

This is one of my favourite lipsticks!! It's from Mac and it's called Rebel, it's quite creamy when you apply the lipstick, compared to the matte range which can leave your lips quite dry. As you can see it looks like a deep purple, but when it is on it's more of a dark purple/pinky colour. However I do recommend applying a lip primer, prior to applying the rebel lipstick. Although when the lipstick has been on for a good couple of hours, it does dry out, so I would use some kind of Vaseline to put over the lipstick. 

This is an amazing product! This is my studio fix powder. This can also be used as a foundation as it has a really thick coverage. I personally use it over my foundation but apply it quite lightly as I don't want to be appeared as quite cakey, as that is what this powder can sometimes do. 

This is my BB cream from topshop, which I love! As it is a BB cream it's quite light, it's more of a tinted moisturiser than a foundation. 
I apply this with my hands, as I would with a moisturiser, but after I use my real techniques buffing brush to just give it a better coverage. 
I wouldn't use loads of this product, just a pea sized amount for each area. 

And finally! This is the Chanel le Crayon eye brow pencil! I absolutely love this product! I have previously written about it in another blog. As you can see I have the one in 40. I comes with a brow brush on one side then the pencil on the other, as well as it comes with a pencil sharpener. I think this is a really good product and I would definitely pay the money to get another one when mine runs out. 


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